Efficiency, creativity and integration
GAMELEIRA, PELAGIO, FABIÃO and BASSANI aims for an efficient communication, the development of creative and integrated solutions with clients, always focusing on results, ensuring the application of the best principles and values in the practice of litigation and consultancy.
We practice law with dignity and independence, observing ethics, professional duties and prerogatives, law respect and enforcement, rapid administration of justice and the improvement of culture and legal institutions, faithful to the oath taken since the beginning of the law practice.
GAMELEIRA, PELAGIO, FABIÃO and BASSANI are consultants and litigators in the labor, civil, corporate, tax and contract areas, including scale and strategic and administrative procedures. Qualified and experienced professionals form a complete team that works dynamically and proactively.
Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro and headquartered in São Paulo, it operates throughout Brazil, with the support of carefully selected correspondents and anchored at strategic points in the country and abroad.